Our data shows a total of crimes nearby
to BL9 6TU, from Jan 2022
to Dec 2024. We report "nearby" crimes as those in the same
Census LSOA area. BL9 6TU is
in the
Rochdale 006C LSOA area. The table below therefore reflects all recent
crimes in that area.
The location information contained in the crimes data is approximate for privacy purposes.
Note: LSOA areas are "lower layer super output areas". A Lower Layer Super
Output Area (LSOA) is a
area. Lower Layer Super Output Areas are a geographic hierarchy designed to improve the
reporting of small
area statistics in England and Wales. In Northern Ireland these zones are referred to as
Output Areas.
In Scotland the areas are known as Data Zones.
There are 32,844 Lower Super Output Areas in England, 890 Super Output Areas in Northern
Ireland, 6,976 Data
Zones in Scotland and 1,909 Lower Super Output Areas in Wales.
For reference LSOAs in England & Wales have an average population of approximately 1500
or 650
households. This is an average and postcode BL9 6TU ( LSOA Area
- Rochdale 006C ) may have differing population numbers.
Month |
Reported by |
Location |
Crime type |
Last outcome |
Sep 2024 |
Dyfed-Powys Police |
On or near Ashworth Road |
Violence and sexual offences |
Unable to prosecute suspect |
Mar 2024 |
Lancashire Constabulary |
On or near Park/Open Space |
Anti-social behaviour |
Dec 2023 |
Lancashire Constabulary |
On or near Park/Open Space |
Violence and sexual offences |
Unable to prosecute suspect |
May 2023 |
Lancashire Constabulary |
On or near Park/Open Space |
Burglary |
Investigation complete; no suspect identified |
Jan 2022 |
Lancashire Constabulary |
On or near Rooley Moor Road |
Criminal damage and arson |
Unable to prosecute suspect |