Postcode | DD8 2WF |
Date of introduction | Feb - 2013 |
Date of retirement | N/A |
Parish name | |
Ward name | Forfar and District |
County name | (pseudo) Scotland |
Region | (pseudo) Scotland |
UK Country name | Scotland |
Local authority | Angus |
Parliamentary name | Angus and Perthshire Glens |
County Electoral Division | |
European Electoral Region | Scotland |
NHS England Region | |
Standard Statistical Region | (pseudo) Scotland, NI, CI, IoM |
Travel to Work Area | Dundee |
Primary Care Trust | Angus Community Health Partnership |
Built-up Area | |
Built-up Area Sub-division | |
Local Enterprise Partnership | |
Police Force Area | Scotland |
Cancer Alliance | |
Integrated Care Board | |
Sub ICB | Angus Community Health Partnership |
Census Area Statistics ward | Forfar East |
2005 ‘Statistical’ ward | (pseudo) Scotland, NI, CI, IoM |
International Territorial Level 1 | Scotland |
International Territorial Level 2 | Eastern Scotland |
International Territorial Level 3 | Angus and Dundee City |
Local Learning and Skills Council | Tayside |
National Park Name | (pseudo) Scotland (non-National Park) |
Easting | 346923 |
Northing | 0751260 |
Latitude | 56.6501198 |
Longitude | -2.8672171 |
2011 Census Super Group | Hard-pressed living |
2011 Census Group | Industrious communities |
2011 Census Sub Group | Industrious hardship |
2011 Census MSOA | Forfar East |
2011 Census LSOA | Forfar East - 06 |
2011 Census Workplace Zone Supergroup | Rural |
2011 Census Workplace Zone Group | Rural with mining or quarrying |
2011 Rural Urban Classification | (Scotland) Other Urban Area |
Sorry, we have no recent crime data for postcode DD8 2WF.
Sorry, we have no records of any schools near DD8 2WF.
Sorry, we do not have property sales data for postcode DD8 2WF.
less than 2Mbps | 2Mbps - 5Mbps | 5Mbps - 10Mbps | 10Mbps - 20Mbps | 30Mbps - 300Mbps | over 300 Mbps |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 6 |