Speegle.co.uk - UK Postcode Information

M1 7AR - Postcode information, data and statistics for M1 7AR

M1 7AR - Overview

Postcode M1 7AR
Date of introduction Jan - 1980
Date of retirement N/A
Parish name Manchester, unparished area
Ward name Piccadilly
County name (pseudo) England (UA/MD/LB)
Region North West
UK Country name England
Local authority Manchester
Parliamentary name Manchester Central
County Electoral Division
European Electoral Region North West
NHS England Region
Standard Statistical Region North West
Travel to Work Area Manchester
Primary Care Trust Manchester Teaching
Built-up Area
Built-up Area Sub-division
Local Enterprise Partnership Greater Manchester
Police Force Area Greater Manchester
Cancer Alliance Greater Manchester
Integrated Care Board NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care Board
Sub ICB NHS Greater Manchester ICB - 14L
Census Area Statistics ward Central
2005 ‘Statistical’ ward City Centre
International Territorial Level 1 North West (England)
International Territorial Level 2 Greater Manchester
International Territorial Level 3 Manchester
Local Learning and Skills Council Greater Manchester
National Park Name England (non-National Park)

M1 7AR - Map and Location information

Easting 384447
Northing 0397612
Latitude 53.4750023
Longitude -2.2357941

M1 7AR - 2011 Census Data

2011 Census Super Group Cosmopolitans
2011 Census Group Inner city students
2011 Census Sub Group Multicultural student neighbourhood
2011 Census MSOA Manchester 055
2011 Census LSOA Manchester 055A
2011 Census Workplace Zone Supergroup City and business parks
2011 Census Workplace Zone Group Big city life
2011 Rural Urban Classification (England/Wales) Urban major conurbation

Member of Parliament (MP) for M1 7AR

Rt Hon Lucy Powell MP
    Lucy Powell
  • Name: Lucy Powell
  • Party: Labour (Co-op)
  • Constituency: Manchester Central
  • Start Date: 15-11-2012

Recent crimes reported nearby M1 7AR.

Our data shows a total of 1 crimes nearby to M1 7AR, from Jan 2022 to Dec 2024. We report "nearby" crimes as those in the same 2011 Census LSOA area. M1 7AR is in the Manchester 055A LSOA area. The table below therefore reflects all recent crimes in that area.
The location information contained in the crimes data is approximate for privacy purposes.
Note: LSOA areas are "lower layer super output areas". A Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA) is a geographic area. Lower Layer Super Output Areas are a geographic hierarchy designed to improve the reporting of small area statistics in England and Wales. In Northern Ireland these zones are referred to as Super Output Areas. In Scotland the areas are known as Data Zones. There are 32,844 Lower Super Output Areas in England, 890 Super Output Areas in Northern Ireland, 6,976 Data Zones in Scotland and 1,909 Lower Super Output Areas in Wales.
For reference LSOAs in England & Wales have an average population of approximately 1500 people or 650 households. This is an average and postcode M1 7AR ( LSOA Area - Manchester 055A ) may have differing population numbers.

Breakdown of recent crimes reported nearby M1 7AR .

Month Reported by Location Crime type Last outcome
May 2022 Metropolitan Police Service On or near Charles Street Other theft Status update unavailable

Schools nearby M1 7AR.

Sorry, we have no records of any schools near M1 7AR.

Historical House Sale Prices in M1 7AR

Date Price Property Type Leasehold / Freehold Address
Feb 2023 £203,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 31, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jan 2023 £140,000 Detached Leasehold Granby House, Flat 8, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jul 2022 £195,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 55, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jul 2022 £235,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 11, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
May 2022 £149,400 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 12, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Mar 2022 £130,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 18, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Aug 2021 £160,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 36, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Feb 2021 £148,500 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 24, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jan 2021 £155,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 34, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Dec 2020 £207,500 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 21, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
May 2020 £163,500 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 58, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Aug 2019 £227,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 11, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
May 2019 £164,950 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 7, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Apr 2019 £155,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 25, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jan 2019 £150,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 15, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Nov 2018 £155,500 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 35, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Nov 2018 £167,950 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 44, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Dec 2017 £110,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 52, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jan 2017 £171,500 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 55, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Dec 2016 £124,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 3, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Nov 2016 £158,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 21, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Aug 2016 £185,850 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 16, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jun 2016 £143,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 48, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Feb 2016 £144,500 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 61, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Mar 2015 £125,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 67, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jan 2015 £135,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 54, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Nov 2014 £89,950 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 32, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Oct 2014 £158,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 11, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Apr 2014 £108,500 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 48, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Feb 2014 £68,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 19, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Aug 2013 £116,500 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 15, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Sep 2012 £137,500 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 44, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
May 2012 £120,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 16, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Mar 2011 £100,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 68, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jan 2011 £107,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 66, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Oct 2010 £100,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 64, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Sep 2010 £125,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 53, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jul 2010 £115,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 25, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Aug 2009 £127,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 54, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jul 2009 £120,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 7, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jun 2009 £86,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 15, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Aug 2008 £124,500 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 38, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jan 2008 £137,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 55, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Oct 2007 £132,500 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 34, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Aug 2007 £170,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 27, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Aug 2007 £103,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 12, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jun 2007 £115,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 14, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
May 2007 £97,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 39, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jan 2007 £129,950 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 11, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Dec 2006 £114,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 44, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Nov 2006 £126,500 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 66, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Nov 2006 £132,500 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 26, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Oct 2006 £100,500 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 49, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Oct 2006 £123,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 25, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Aug 2006 £149,950 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 13, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Aug 2006 £129,950 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 48, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Feb 2006 £111,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 66, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Oct 2005 £90,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 45, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Sep 2005 £96,000 Detached Leasehold Granby House, Flat 8, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Aug 2005 £96,000 Semi Detached Leasehold Granby House, Flat 4, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Aug 2005 £137,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 47, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Aug 2005 £128,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 26, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jul 2005 £123,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 55, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
May 2005 £130,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 54, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Apr 2005 £129,950 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 27, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Sep 2004 £132,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 33, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Aug 2004 £117,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 7, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jul 2004 £115,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 21, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jun 2004 £140,650 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 16, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Apr 2004 £97,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 63, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Apr 2004 £115,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 6, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Mar 2004 £90,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 45, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Feb 2004 £92,950 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 12, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jan 2004 £100,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 33, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Dec 2003 £125,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 23, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Sep 2003 £121,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 37, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Aug 2003 £88,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 7, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Aug 2003 £115,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 59, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jul 2003 £87,500 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 43, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Apr 2003 £87,500 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 16, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Feb 2003 £72,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 29, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Nov 2002 £92,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 47, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Oct 2002 £92,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 53, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Oct 2002 £84,950 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 28, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Sep 2002 £69,950 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 42, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Sep 2002 £92,500 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 31, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Aug 2002 £89,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 21, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jul 2002 £79,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 26, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jul 2002 £76,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 62, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Dec 2001 £61,500 Terraced Leasehold Granby House, Flat 64, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Nov 2001 £60,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 25, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Nov 2001 £55,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 62, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Sep 2001 £59,950 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 63, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Sep 2001 £59,950 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 28, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jul 2001 £60,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 68, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jul 2001 £54,950 Semi Detached Leasehold Granby House, Flat 4, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jul 2001 £51,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 49, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jul 2001 £103,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 41, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
May 2001 £50,000 Terraced Leasehold Granby House, Flat 17, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
May 2001 £50,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 19, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Apr 2001 £52,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 69, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Mar 2001 £56,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 42, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Mar 2001 £53,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 35, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Feb 2001 £50,500 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 12, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Oct 2000 £54,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 22, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Sep 2000 £71,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 53, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Aug 2000 £72,500 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 23, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jun 2000 £75,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 11, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jun 2000 £48,500 Detached Leasehold Granby House, Flat 8, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Feb 2000 £59,995 Semi Detached Leasehold Granby House, Flat 6, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Feb 2000 £56,500 Terraced Leasehold Granby House, Flat 5, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jan 2000 £59,950 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 11, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jan 2000 £48,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 12, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Sep 1999 £64,500 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 21, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Sep 1999 £53,950 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 14, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Aug 1999 £54,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 53, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Aug 1999 £68,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 67, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Aug 1999 £57,950 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 16, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jul 1999 £59,950 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 59, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jul 1999 £50,500 Semi Detached Leasehold Granby House, Flat 4, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jul 1999 £59,950 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 26, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jun 1999 £56,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 65, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Mar 1999 £52,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 43, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Nov 1998 £52,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 55, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Aug 1998 £47,500 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 2, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jun 1998 £31,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 1, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jun 1998 £66,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 27, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Apr 1998 £49,500 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 13, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Apr 1998 £54,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 35, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jan 1998 £38,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 32, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Oct 1997 £39,950 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 28, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Mar 1997 £33,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 49, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Feb 1997 £49,950 Terraced Leasehold Granby House, Flat 17, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Dec 1996 £45,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 24, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jun 1996 £58,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 21, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jun 1996 £34,800 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 7, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Mar 1996 £29,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 18, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Feb 1996 £33,950 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 59, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Nov 1995 £49,950 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 31, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR
Jul 1995 £39,000 Flat Leasehold Granby House, Flat 38, Granby Row, Manchester, M1 7AR

Broadband (internet) speeds and availability in postcode M1 7AR .

  • Average download speed: 174.3 Mbps
  • Maximum download speed: 1000 Mbps
  • Average upload speed: 13 Mbps
  • Maximum upload speed: 50 Mbps
  • Average data usage (per month): 378 GB
Broadband speeds and the number of connections in M1 7AR
less than 2Mbps 2Mbps - 5Mbps 5Mbps - 10Mbps 10Mbps - 20Mbps 30Mbps - 300Mbps over 300 Mbps
0 0 0 11 32 5
Data from Ofcom, based on a snapshot from internet providers in 2023.

Other postcodes nearby M1 7AR.

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Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0
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Contains HM Land Registry data © Crown copyright and database right 2025. This data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.