Postcode | M40 1HJ |
Date of introduction | May - 1994 |
Date of retirement | N/A |
Parish name | Manchester, unparished area |
Ward name | Miles Platting & Newton Heath |
County name | (pseudo) England (UA/MD/LB) |
Region | North West |
UK Country name | England |
Local authority | Manchester |
Parliamentary name | Manchester Central |
County Electoral Division | |
European Electoral Region | North West |
NHS England Region | North West |
Standard Statistical Region | North West |
Travel to Work Area | Manchester |
Primary Care Trust | Manchester Teaching |
Built-up Area | |
Built-up Area Sub-division | Manchester BUASD |
Local Enterprise Partnership | Greater Manchester |
Police Force Area | Greater Manchester |
Cancer Alliance | Greater Manchester |
Integrated Care Board | NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care Board |
Sub ICB | NHS Greater Manchester ICB - 14L |
Census Area Statistics ward | Newton Heath |
2005 ‘Statistical’ ward | Miles Platting and Newton Heath |
International Territorial Level 1 | North West (England) |
International Territorial Level 2 | Greater Manchester |
International Territorial Level 3 | Manchester |
Local Learning and Skills Council | Greater Manchester |
National Park Name |
Easting | 388353 |
Northing | 0400566 |
Latitude | 53.5016594 |
Longitude | -2.1770561 |
2011 Census Super Group | Hard-pressed living |
2011 Census Group | Migration and churn |
2011 Census Sub Group | Hard-pressed ethnic mix |
2011 Census MSOA | Manchester 011 |
2011 Census LSOA | Manchester 011A |
2011 Census Workplace Zone Supergroup | Metro suburbs |
2011 Census Workplace Zone Group | Teachers and carers in metro suburbs |
2011 Rural Urban Classification | (England/Wales) Urban major conurbation |
Month | Reported by | Location | Crime type | Last outcome |
Nov 2022 | Metropolitan Police Service | On or near Bridlington Close | Other theft | Status update unavailable |
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